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PWC: 3,000 gallon wastewater spill reported Monday


A 3,000-gallon wastewater spill on Monday entered an unnamed tributary to Clark’s Pond, the Fayetteville Public Works Commission said in a release.

The spill happened at 1105 Pamalee Drive at approximately 6:50 p.m. and lasted about an hour, the utility said in the release.

The spill was caused by grease in the sewer mainline, PWC said.

The wastewater exited a sanitary sewer manhole in the street and entered an unnamed tributary to Clark’s Pond, the release said. The North Carolina Division of Water Resources was notified of the overflow.

PWC said grease, oil and paper products such as wipes and paper towels should be disposed of in trash receptacles and not the sewer system because they are a common cause of sewer blockages and overflows.

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Fayetteville, Public Works Commission, wastewater overflow