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Step Up 4 Health & Wellness Expo


Cape Fear Valley Health Foundation’s Step Up 4 Health & Wellness Expo is scheduled for April 9 at 8:30 a.m. at Festival Park.

The event will feature 4K and 1-mile walking routes through downtown Fayetteville. The walk will be followed by a Wellness Expo with information about local health and wellness resources, food trucks, giveaways and more.

Sign up as an individual or join a team. Registration for the walk is $30 for adults and $25 for children. Choose which CFVH patient care area you would like to support with your registration fee:
- Friends of the Cancer Center
- Children’s Services
- Heart Care
- Community Alternatives Program
- Cumberland County Medication Access Program
- Pediatric Endocrinology

Each registrant will receive a commemorative T-shirt. For more information or to register, go to www.cfvfoundation.org/stepup4health